Feel more confident

Before and after 6 sessions full tummy + sides.

Body sculpting

with fat cavitation + RF radio frequency skin tightening

  • Ultrasonic fat cavitation works by applying ultrasound technology to adipose fat cells in a specific body area to break apart fat cells.

    Combined with Radio Frequency (RF) skin tightening, the treated area will gain further results by increasing lymphatic drainage, reduce the appearance of stretch marks, loose skin, cellulite and ageing skin.

    Fat cavitation is non-invasive, pain free, has no downtime, and can be performed in 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the site being treated.

    Fat cavitation provides body contouring and is not a weight loss treatment.

    Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing disruptive vibration, dislodging the fat cells from the dermal layers.

    After a few days, the fat cells are absorbed by your lymphatic system and drained as waste from your body.

    Ultrasonic cavitation has been shown to be effective in reducing fat mass, providing a more contoured appearance. The treated body fat area can reduce in size by one to three cm.

    Most clients gain the best results from 6-12 sessions at weekly to fortnightly intervals.